Monday, June 7, 2010

Here We Go Again... Part 1...

I’ve been thinking about the gulf oil spill for a while and I’ve been wondering—as have many others—what would’ve been the extent of the disaster if the oil drilling was happening in shallow waters or, even better, on land. Somehow, I don’t think it would have been nearly as bad. But apparently, that’s “stupid”…according to Rep. Grayson of Florida. In an interview on the Stephanie Miller show recently, Rep. Grayson said “I would simply say ‘that’s stupid’ and move on.” WOW! I’ve never heard such a comprehensive response to an issue that’s so substantiated by statistics, scientific observations, calculations, and supporting evidence…that’s amazing! I’m a little overwhelmed by the intellectual and scientific firepower Rep. Grayson is bringing to bear.

Here’s the link:
(you have to scroll down a bit for the audio)

So, what you’re saying is that you have no good response to the *fact* that this spill would have been a lot more easily contained if we’d been drilling on land or in shallow water other than “that’s stupid.” Do you count on your fingers and toes too? Really, Rep. Grayson, that’s something I expect to hear from my 8 year old! And you’re in elected office? I’m more than a little astonished.

Let’s not forget that this type of ignorant and unqualified response is something we’ve seen before. Remember when the left was trying to characterize conservatives as being completely against stem cell research? In actuality, there are four different types of stem cell research and conservatives only have a problem with one of those types (embryonic stem cell research—the type requires a controversial procedure to harvest embryos…and that has borne absolutely *zero* results)…and yet, the left tries to paint conservatives into the corner that we are against all stem cell research when we actually support 3 out of the 4 types! Nice try…NEXT!

Let’s not listen to the experts who have no vested interest in BP that say that this spill could have been capped in 4 hours if it occurred on land and 2 days if it occurred in shallow waters…no, let’s listen to the politicians and the talking heads whose expertise is so much more substantial in these matters! Hand me my remote!

But wait, this gets better. Not only did Rep. Grayson offer his scientifically and intellectually abundant rejoinder (“that’s stupid”) to the facts of the case, but he jams his foot even further down his throat. He said, “how about just tracking down every single person who said ‘drill baby drill’ and putting them all in prison. Why don’t we do that? Starting with Michael Steele.” Rep. Grayson, perhaps you’ve forgotten the original German for that, so here’s your reminder…“wie wäre es einfach aufzuspüren jede einzelne Person…und setzen sie alle im Gefängnis.”

And the right-wingers are the fascists? Seriously?!?

Rep. Grayson (and the rest of my friends on the left), how is it that you can deny that the spill would’ve made a much smaller mess on land or in shallow water? I simply don’t get it…you must just be too smart for this sorry, pea-brained imbecile that you so generously and magnanimously rule and reign over…ahem…I mean, *serve* in government.

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