- H.R. 77 - Health Care Incentive Act
- H.R. 109 - America's Affordable Health Care Act
- H.R. 198 - Health Care Tax Deduction Act of 2009
- H.R. 270 - TRICARE Continuity of Coverage for National Guard and Reserve Families Act of 2009
- H.R. 321 - SCHIP Plus Act of 2009
- H.R. 464 - More Children, More Choices Act of 2009
- H.R. 502 - Health Care Freedom of Choice Act
- H.R. 504 - Medicare Hearing Enhancement and Auditory Rehabilitation (HEAR) Act of 2009
- H.R. 544 - Flexible Health Savings Act of 2009
- H.R. 643 - Care for Life Act of 2009
- H.R. 917 - To increase the health benefits of dependents of members of the Armed Forces who die because of a combat-related injury
- H.R. 1075 - RECOVER Act (Restoring Essential Care for Our Veterans for Effective Recovery)
- H.R. 1086 - Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2009
- H.R. 1118 - Health Care Choices for Seniors Act
- H.R. 1441 - Ryan Dant Health Care Opportunity Act of 2009
- H.R. 1458 - Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Kidney Transplant Patients Act of 2009
- H.R. 1468 - Medical Justice Act of 2009
- H.R. 1658 - Veterans Healthcare Commitment Act of 2009
- H.R. 1891 - Sunset of Life Protection Act of 2009
- H.R. 2051 - To amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize extended benefits for certain autistic dependents of certain retirees
- H.R. 2373 - Home Oxygen Patient Protection Act of 2009
- H.R. 2520 - Patients' Choice Act
- H.R. 2607 - To amend title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to improve access and choice for entrepreneurs with small businesses with respect to medical care for their employees
- H.R. 2692 - CAH Designation Waiver Authority Act of 2009
- H.R. 2784 - Partnership to Improve Seniors Access to Medicare Act
- H.R. 2785 - Health Care Paperwork Reduction and Fraud Prevention Act of 2009
- H.R. 2786 - Patient Fairness and Indigent Care Promotion Act of 2009
- H.R. 2787 - Medical Liability Procedural Reform Act of 2009
- H.R. 3141 - Strengthening the Health Care Safety Net Act of 2009
- H.R. 3217 - Health Care Choice Act
- H.R. 3218 - Improving Health Care for All Americans Act
- H.R. 3356 - Medicare Beneficiary Freedom to Choose Act of 2009
- H.R. 3372 - Health Care OverUse Reform Today Act (HealthCOURT Act)
- H.R. 3400 - Empowering Patients First Act
- H.R. 3438 - Access to Insurance for all Americans Act
- H.R. 3454 - Medicare Hospice Reform and Savings Act of 2009
- H.R. 3478 - Patient-Controlled Healthcare Protection Act of 2009
Um, perhaps my friends on the other side of the aisle would like to retract their claims?!? Maybe? Possibly? NAAAAAH...who am I kiddin'?
Some of these proposals have actually made it to the floor, while others have not...here's a list of those that never made it to the floor...
- Rep. Shaddeg proposed HR 3217 which would allow for for competition across state lines...it has been locked up in the Energy & Commerce Committee from July 2009.
- Obama told us that "I will make sure that no government bureaucrat or insurance company bureaucrat gets between you and the care that you need." Rep. Gingrey proposed an amendment (consistent with Obama's statement) that would prohibit federal officials from making those decisions—KILLED IN ENERGY & COMMERCE by Rep. Waxman, et al.
- Rep. Herger proposed that the federal government be prohibited from conducting comparative effectiveness research on health care treatments (a precursor to health care rationing)—KILLED IN WAYS & MEANS by Rep. Rangel.
- Rep. McClintock propsed a no-deficit qualification for health care legislation that would block it from going into effect unless it were deficit neutral—KILLED IN COMMITTEE.
- Obama made a campaign pledge of not raising taxes for individuals making less than $200K per year. In that spirit, Rep. Ryan proposed an exemption from all proposed tax increases in the health care bill for that group of individuals—KILLED IN WAYS & MEANS. A similar proposal by Rep. McMorris-Rodgers—KILLED EDUCATION & LABOR by Rep. Miller.
- Rep. Brown-Waite propsed an amendment that would take out all language that cut funding for Medicare Advantage—DEFEATED IN COMMITTEE by Rep. Rangel, et al.
- Reps. Hoekstra and Herger proposed that the employer mandate would be suspended if unemployment reached 10%—KILLED IN COMMITTEE.
- Reps. Reichert and Hunter proposed that an exemption from the employer mandate for companies if they could prove to the Secretary of the Treasury (not just anybody) that the mandate has forced them into financial hardship that has caused them to lay off or cut salaries for current employees or has prevented them from hiring new employees—KILLED IN COMMITTEE.
- Rep. McKeon proposed that small businesses be allowed to band together in small groups to purchase business-specific health plans at lower cost—KILLED IN WAYS & MEANS.
- Reps. Johnson, Cantor, and Souder each offered amendments to remove federal funding for abortions from the health bill that were consistent with PBO’s claim that “under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions”—KILLED IN COMMITTEE.